Wednesday, February 13, 2008


'Do you have The Waning of the Middle Ages?'She shot a glance up at me.'Do you have your own library?' she asked.'Listen, Harvard is allowed to use the Radcliffe library.''I'm not talking legality, Preppie, I'm taking ethics.You guys have five million books. We have a few lousy thousand.'
Christ, a superior-being type! The kind who think since the ratio of Radcliffe to Harvard is five to one, the girls must be five times as smart. I normally cut these types to ribbons, but just then I badly needed that goddamn book.'Listen, I need that goddamn book.''Wouldja please watch your profanity, Preppie?''What makes you so sure I went to prep school?''You look stupid and rich,' she said, removing her glasses.'You're wrong,'' I protested. 'I'm actually smart and poor.''Oh, no, Preppie. I'm smart and poor.'She was staring straight at me. Her eyes were brown.Okay, maybe I look rich, but I wouldn't let some 'Cliffie - even one with pretty eyes - call me dumb.'What the hell makes you so smart?' I asked.'I wouldn't go for coffee with you,' she answered.'Listen - I wouldn't ask you.''That,' she replied, 'is what makes you stupid.'